Saturday, February 25, 2006

MAKE: Movies - The MAKE film festival at the Maker Faire!

MAKE: Movies - The MAKE film festival at the Maker Faire!
Originally uploaded by pt.

We are pleased to announce the first film festival that celebrates makers and the DIY mindset - Grab those hacked CVS video cameras and $14 steadycams. It's time for MAKE: Movies! MAKE: is hosting the first festival for makers to show off their DIY short video clips. Don't think of it as a contest, because there isn't much to win if you make the cut... other than the admiration of your peers, a bag of MAKE: goodies, and the chance to see your work on the big (well, medium) screen at the upcoming Maker Faire in April. Our favorite footage will premiere at a special MAKE: Movies! party at the Maker Faire and shown throughout the event. Of course, you're invited to walk down the asphalt carpet and say a few words about your work. After the Faire, the selections will be available for free download on So charge those batteries, fire up Final Cut, and... Action!

More about MAKE: Movies here - Link.

Dale, our publisher adds a bit about what we're looking for - "Movies that show how to do something or how something works or show someone doing something -- these are maker movies. We'd like to recognize the creativity and passion of the people who make this special kind of movie."

Lastly, if you're a Maker and want to be part of the Maker Faire - Maker proposals are due Monday. Click here to submit your proposal now!