Wednesday, March 08, 2006

On My Bookshelf: Titan, Book Three: Orion's Hounds (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Titan, Book Three : Orion's Hounds (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Titan, Book Three : Orion's Hounds (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

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Avg. Rating: 4 stars

As the U.S.S. Titan ventures beyond the outermost reaches of known space, the telepaths in her crew -- including Diplomatic Officer Deanna Troi -- are overwhelmed by an alien cryof distress, leading the ship to the scene of a shocking act of carnage: a civilization of interstellar "whalers" preying upon and exploiting a familiar species of sentient spaceborne giants.Appalled but reluctant to rush to judgment, Captain William Riker and his crew investigate, discovering a cosmic spawning ground in a region ... (more)

First shelved by RJBailey on March 8th, 2006
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