Wednesday, October 23, 2013

keyofnik: Usagi likely missed most of the exchange between Mako and Rei, having gotten “I don’t have to do this any more” out of it and that was good enough for her. And Rei INSTANTLY drops out of “oh shit what did I do?” mode to “DON’T WORRY, USAGI, REI-CHAN’S GOT THIS”. Bright eyes, clenched fist, “Leave it to me!” It’s so Rei and it’s so adorable because it’s so unnecessary, but she still has that deep need to impress everybody and look so smooth and perfect and in control at all times. Look how eager she is in that second cap, and I really believe she just wants Usagi to be proud of her, seriously. She wants that “Wow, Rei-chan, you’re amazing!” To be able to be “Yup, yup, I saved our little ceremony by hanging a banner. See that banner up there? That was hung by yours truly. Me. Rei-chan.” I mean that’s huge too don’t get me wrong. But look at her go from the first cap to the second and tell me she’s not angling to impress the shit out of Usagi right now. When Rei basically impresses Usagi just by getting up in the morning. Rei breathes and Usagi’s completely overwhelmed by how awesome she is. But Rei still wants to impress her anyway, and that is so precious it has burrowed into my heart and built a nest to raise its brood.

keyofnik: Usagi likely missed most of the exchange between Mako and Rei, having gotten “I don’t have to do this any more” out of it and that was good enough for her. And Rei INSTANTLY drops out of “oh shit what did I do?” mode to “DON’T WORRY, USAGI, REI-CHAN’S GOT THIS”. Bright eyes, clenched fist, “Leave it to me!” It’s so Rei and it’s so adorable because it’s so unnecessary, but she still has that deep need to impress everybody and look so smooth and perfect and in control at all times. Look how eager she is in that second cap, and I really believe she just wants Usagi to be proud of her, seriously. She wants that “Wow, Rei-chan, you’re amazing!” To be able to be “Yup, yup, I saved our little ceremony by hanging a banner. See that banner up there? That was hung by yours truly. Me. Rei-chan.” I mean that’s huge too don’t get me wrong. But look at her go from the first cap to the second and tell me she’s not angling to impress the shit out of Usagi right now. When Rei basically impresses Usagi just by getting up in the morning. Rei breathes and Usagi’s completely overwhelmed by how awesome she is. But Rei still wants to impress her anyway, and that is so precious it has burrowed into my heart and built a nest to raise its brood.