keyofnik: idesofnovember: cakehatwombat: idesofnovember: xosailormars: rei is channeling some hardcore mamoru with this one really hun pastel pink overalls ROLLED UP with BRIGHT BLUE socks? c’mon Rei’s pink overalls are one of my favorite outfits just because it’s so… out of character. Bright pink?, Casual?, Cutesty?, Childlike? Not very… Rei. And yet she wears it all the time. Like, “You don’t know me. Me and my pink overalls. We have layers.” I always thought of these as the overalls she borrowed from Usagi once and never returned. Like, it was raining really hard one day when they came over and Usagi let them all borrow dry clothes, but somehow these overalls never made it back to her. Usagi doesn’t mind because she thinks Rei looks supes cute in them and even thinks it’s sweet that she wears them all the time. YOU SHUT UP WITH YOUR ADORABLE SQUEE HEADCANONS RIGHT NOW #REI USAGI CLOTHES SHARING FEELS #that would explain why THEY DON’T REACH THE BOTTOM OF HER LEGS THIS IS MY FAVOURITE THING TODAY THAT IS TOTALLY WHY THEY DON’T FIT AND SO SUPER EXTRA CUTE WHEN YOU CONSIDER HOW PISSY REI STILL IS WITH USAGI AT THIS STAGE REI’S FASHION SENSE SACRIFICED ITSELF AND LIKED USAGI BEFORE REI DID