soulfates: myuselessbooklife: Fandoms Teach more than school I CANNOT BELIEVE that this is an actual post okay first of all I don’t understand why tumblr has this fascination with discrediting education and saying that it’s pointless and that you’ve learned more by watching television and reading books and fumbling around on the internet. Going to school is REALLY FUCKING IMPORTANT and what you’re being taught there is also REALLY FUCKING IMPORTANT!!!!! The thing you don’t understand right now is that you’re not learning how to find the side of a triangle so that ten years down the road you can be like, hey, look, a triangle! I wonder how long its hypotenuse is! School is teaching you how to think logically and how to reason through problems and how to approach things from multiple perspectives. You’re given homework so that you can start prioritizing things you have to do, so that you can learn time management and organization and things that are super fucking important for you to succeed in the future. I get that the educational system itself has its flaws, but it’s just so incredibly naive to say that television shows and books are somehow better at preparing you for the real world. But, you know, give it a shot. Stop going to school and then hit up some companies for job interviews. When they ask you what your skills are, you can say you’re very good at sitting on your ass all day and watching shows and that it’s okay because everyone is important and unique and super duper special! Sure, you may not be able to solve any basic math problems, but you watched all thirty seasons of Doctor Who, so.