Friday, March 28, 2014

aelie-baby: I caught a Noin this time. HUZZAH! Eyecatch! Considering that my week has consisted of days of 103 degree fever and the inability to get out of bed or hold down water, I’d say that is a major accomplishment. Now I’m off to fix the Une tags and posts. I don’t know when we’ll pick up again - please GOD I hope I don’t relapse again (already have twice this week).

aelie-baby: I caught a Noin this time. HUZZAH! Eyecatch! Considering that my week has consisted of days of 103 degree fever and the inability to get out of bed or hold down water, I’d say that is a major accomplishment. Now I’m off to fix the Une tags and posts. I don’t know when we’ll pick up again - please GOD I hope I don’t relapse again (already have twice this week).