Tuesday, March 18, 2014

keyofnik: Oh okay, it was just Nehellenia showing off her Senshi collection. To be fair, if that were my Senshi collection, I would show it off too. Rei and Michiru should not be right-side up right now though, which makes me think Nehellenia did some mojo to flip them around. And that’s kind of great, like that compulsion I have to make sure all my games and DVDs are put back in the case perfectly aligned straight up. Now I’m just imaging Nehellenia, like, fiddling with Rei to get her straight so she’ll display properly and swearing because Rei keeps tipping to the side. (THANKS TO HER IMPOSSIBLY LONG LEGS AND FAILED CENTER OF GRAVITY) (HEY IT’S KIND OF LIKE TRYING TO DO ANYTHING WITH THE MARS FIGUART WITHOUT THE STAND)

keyofnik: Oh okay, it was just Nehellenia showing off her Senshi collection. To be fair, if that were my Senshi collection, I would show it off too. Rei and Michiru should not be right-side up right now though, which makes me think Nehellenia did some mojo to flip them around. And that’s kind of great, like that compulsion I have to make sure all my games and DVDs are put back in the case perfectly aligned straight up. Now I’m just imaging Nehellenia, like, fiddling with Rei to get her straight so she’ll display properly and swearing because Rei keeps tipping to the side. (THANKS TO HER IMPOSSIBLY LONG LEGS AND FAILED CENTER OF GRAVITY) (HEY IT’S KIND OF LIKE TRYING TO DO ANYTHING WITH THE MARS FIGUART WITHOUT THE STAND)