Tuesday, April 01, 2014

rjbailey: bakrua: i figure this would be a useful thing to have going around today, to give some people some peace of mind! please do not post screamers today, it’s not funny, and you could hurt someone! Dunno what a screamer is, but it sounds bad, doesn’t it? ^_^ Never mind, I Googled it. Yeah, it is a bad thing, and a stupid one, too.

rjbailey: bakrua: i figure this would be a useful thing to have going around today, to give some people some peace of mind! please do not post screamers today, it’s not funny, and you could hurt someone! Dunno what a screamer is, but it sounds bad, doesn’t it? ^_^ Never mind, I Googled it. Yeah, it is a bad thing, and a stupid one, too.