- Creating Your Own Linux Mail Server
Covers how to get the actual mail system up and running, but most interesting because of the anti-spam techniques and actually using the mail system with the mutt and squirrelmail mail clients. - 10 Things You Should Know About Every Linux Installation..
" Linux is not Windows, and although there are some similarities, you must realise that there may be a few "new ways of doing things" to learn before you can be comfortable in Linux." I've been looking for an article like this for awhile... - Attackers switching to applications, media players
Online criminals shifted their attacks in 2005 from operating systems such as Windows to media players and software programs, according to a study released Tuesday. - VeriSign Completes Sale of Payment Gateway Business to eBay
VeriSign, Inc. (Nasdaq: VRSN), the leading provider of intelligent infrastructure services for the Internet and telecommunications networks, completed its previously announced sale of VeriSign’s payment gateway business to PayPal, an eBay company, on November 18, 2005.
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