Monday, November 07, 2005

Pakistan Overlays: New Strips 1

Pakistan Overlays: New Strips
Originally uploaded by Kathryn Cramer.

Screen shot from Anne Wright:
dg-1-3-placemarks-051106.jpg which just shows the location of the three new strips (I tried to make it roughly the same view as dg-east-placemarks-051106.jpg which I sent earlier)

Related to Google Earth overlays from GE's Kenson Yee, who writes:
We have 3 scenes at: (35.14271, 73.59809 to 33.60822, 73.78712) (35.02950, 73.40986 to 34.06610, 73.62270) (34.85068, 73.22784 to 34.81705, 73.41840)
Extents are lat/lon approximations. These images are the 2k x 2k static overlays.