Monday, November 18, 2013

keyofnik: Mako’s actress never actually gets close enough to even potentially kick Zoicite’s actress in the face, which is probably for the best considering the face involved, but THE-AH-TAHH aside, it’s basically Mako running in, still in the middle of her introduction (which has actually been really friendly compared to Rei thus far) and KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF ZOICITE, or at least trying. And I very much appreciate all of that.

keyofnik: Mako’s actress never actually gets close enough to even potentially kick Zoicite’s actress in the face, which is probably for the best considering the face involved, but THE-AH-TAHH aside, it’s basically Mako running in, still in the middle of her introduction (which has actually been really friendly compared to Rei thus far) and KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF ZOICITE, or at least trying. And I very much appreciate all of that.