Saturday, November 09, 2013

shitloadsofwrestling: droptoehold: Kassius Ohno Released From WWE? While still unconfirmed, word from PW Insider is that Kassius Ohno, the former Chris Hero, has been released from the WWE. Ohno is an Internet darling and former golden boy for the NXT brand until he was taken off TV and replaced with a more over Sami Zayn. Ohno is the former partner of Antonio Cesaro, whom which they are the only team to hold the CHIKARA, CZW and ROH tag team titles at the same time. While it would have been nice to see a feud or pairing with Cesaro on WWE television, this isn’t a complete surprise. Ohno has been on and off NXT and the rumor is he was told to lose weight and has neglected to do so. While not fat by any means, he has been criticized to be lazy in the past. While I hope this is all rumor and he remains with the WWE, a return to PWG would be highly appreciated. Bring on Chris Hero vs Kevin Steen. If this is true, fuck.

shitloadsofwrestling: droptoehold: Kassius Ohno Released From WWE? While still unconfirmed, word from PW Insider is that Kassius Ohno, the former Chris Hero, has been released from the WWE. Ohno is an Internet darling and former golden boy for the NXT brand until he was taken off TV and replaced with a more over Sami Zayn. Ohno is the former partner of Antonio Cesaro, whom which they are the only team to hold the CHIKARA, CZW and ROH tag team titles at the same time. While it would have been nice to see a feud or pairing with Cesaro on WWE television, this isn’t a complete surprise. Ohno has been on and off NXT and the rumor is he was told to lose weight and has neglected to do so. While not fat by any means, he has been criticized to be lazy in the past. While I hope this is all rumor and he remains with the WWE, a return to PWG would be highly appreciated. Bring on Chris Hero vs Kevin Steen. If this is true, fuck.