Tuesday, December 31, 2013

keyofnik: On the one hand, I like that Luna’s somewhere between “I’m secure and I know you’re all brainwashed right now so it’s cool” and just straight “Meh, I don’t care.” But dammit, I’m still pissed at Luna over how godawful she was last episode with NO COMEUPPANCE WHATSOEVER. Couldn’t you feel maybe just a LITTLE bad for two seconds?

keyofnik: On the one hand, I like that Luna’s somewhere between “I’m secure and I know you’re all brainwashed right now so it’s cool” and just straight “Meh, I don’t care.” But dammit, I’m still pissed at Luna over how godawful she was last episode with NO COMEUPPANCE WHATSOEVER. Couldn’t you feel maybe just a LITTLE bad for two seconds?