Thursday, February 27, 2014

keyofnik: Damn, Nehellenia got so pissed she popped her own Dream Mirror out. I really hope that’s not a thing everyone can do. Next time Rei gets pissed at Usagi, suddenly all her magic parts go flying. Usagi nicks the latest volume of a manga Rei’s not read yet. She’s running away with it, reading AS SHE RUNS, and Rei’s furious and yelling at Usagi’s touching the pages WITH STICKY FINGERS OH MY GOD DID YOU EVEN WASH YOUR HANDS FIRST RRAAAGAHGH And then suddenly silence. Usagi, confused and concerned, turns around. Rei’s face planted on the ground because oops, she just left her heart crystal ten paces back.

keyofnik: Damn, Nehellenia got so pissed she popped her own Dream Mirror out. I really hope that’s not a thing everyone can do. Next time Rei gets pissed at Usagi, suddenly all her magic parts go flying. Usagi nicks the latest volume of a manga Rei’s not read yet. She’s running away with it, reading AS SHE RUNS, and Rei’s furious and yelling at Usagi’s touching the pages WITH STICKY FINGERS OH MY GOD DID YOU EVEN WASH YOUR HANDS FIRST RRAAAGAHGH And then suddenly silence. Usagi, confused and concerned, turns around. Rei’s face planted on the ground because oops, she just left her heart crystal ten paces back.