Saturday, December 21, 2013

keyofnik: AS I WAS SAYING Let’s meet our regal and dignified Princess. Usagi — seen here talking with Rei about movies, and by “talking” I mean “forgetting how bones work” — has been created by Ami with the following traits: Clumsy, Excitable, Childish, Charismatic, and Friendly. Her lifetime wish is to be “Super Popular”, which she gets by being friends with 20 Sims. So far she is friends with four. Guess which four. Step it up, Sim!Sagi, this is YOUR THING. She has one lifetime reward thus far, which is “Fast Metabolism”. Good choice, Ami. At the moment she has no career path at all, which also sounds about right. I think Ami had her out in law enforcement maybe? Or politics? But it just wasn’t working out. Usagi will probably just keep doing odd jobs on the side. Or basically LIVING in the park. [As a reminder, I — that is to say AMI — am 98% hands-off with this game. The Simshi do as they choose. Gods help us all.] Right now Usagi has bonuses from Good Meal, Beautiful Park, Excited, Intrigued (the hell are you and Rei talking about, Usagi?), Well Rested, and — AWW I remember discovering this! — “Someone to Watch Over Me”. Which is described as “Scary things just don’t seem to scary for Usagi now that she has someone to watch over her.” Fuck off with that adorable shit, game! And finally, Usagi’s current little achievement goals are: Improve Charisma Skill, Have 5 Friends, and Visit Theater. Come on, Sim!Sagi, I can already see what the theater need is doing to you. We gotta get that taken care of.

keyofnik: AS I WAS SAYING Let’s meet our regal and dignified Princess. Usagi — seen here talking with Rei about movies, and by “talking” I mean “forgetting how bones work” — has been created by Ami with the following traits: Clumsy, Excitable, Childish, Charismatic, and Friendly. Her lifetime wish is to be “Super Popular”, which she gets by being friends with 20 Sims. So far she is friends with four. Guess which four. Step it up, Sim!Sagi, this is YOUR THING. She has one lifetime reward thus far, which is “Fast Metabolism”. Good choice, Ami. At the moment she has no career path at all, which also sounds about right. I think Ami had her out in law enforcement maybe? Or politics? But it just wasn’t working out. Usagi will probably just keep doing odd jobs on the side. Or basically LIVING in the park. [As a reminder, I — that is to say AMI — am 98% hands-off with this game. The Simshi do as they choose. Gods help us all.] Right now Usagi has bonuses from Good Meal, Beautiful Park, Excited, Intrigued (the hell are you and Rei talking about, Usagi?), Well Rested, and — AWW I remember discovering this! — “Someone to Watch Over Me”. Which is described as “Scary things just don’t seem to scary for Usagi now that she has someone to watch over her.” Fuck off with that adorable shit, game! And finally, Usagi’s current little achievement goals are: Improve Charisma Skill, Have 5 Friends, and Visit Theater. Come on, Sim!Sagi, I can already see what the theater need is doing to you. We gotta get that taken care of.