Friday, February 21, 2014

keyofnik: Usagi is ADORABLE in this episode. I LOVE this. I love that she has NO FUCKING CLUE. Anybody else, when meeting this big time designer (or artist or whatever), they’d feel desperate to impress. Throwing in all these words and analyses and picking it apart and dissecting it. And, you know, it’s pretty clear that I’m kinda into that sort of thing, so I’m not saying that inherently bad. But it’s thinking about it, it’s pulling it apart and seeing what makes it tick. If you’re not careful, that destroys the soul of it. Here comes Usagi though who, bless her, hasn’t over-thought a single thing in her ENTIRE LIFE. Usagi IS love, Usagi is pure emotion. Why do I feel a certain way? I don’t know, I JUST DO. And that’s what this dude needs. He’s crawled so far into his own head that he’s forgotten how to listen to his heart. The WHY doesn’t matter, all that matters is the effect. I really seriously love that this is how Usagi’s going to turn it around for him. Not by some flash of insight, not even fool’s wisdom, which is what I was sure it was going to do for a second there. Nope, she’s just going to do it on the purity of her own feelings. “I don’t know why, I just do.” That’s so brilliantly simply Usagi.

keyofnik: Usagi is ADORABLE in this episode. I LOVE this. I love that she has NO FUCKING CLUE. Anybody else, when meeting this big time designer (or artist or whatever), they’d feel desperate to impress. Throwing in all these words and analyses and picking it apart and dissecting it. And, you know, it’s pretty clear that I’m kinda into that sort of thing, so I’m not saying that inherently bad. But it’s thinking about it, it’s pulling it apart and seeing what makes it tick. If you’re not careful, that destroys the soul of it. Here comes Usagi though who, bless her, hasn’t over-thought a single thing in her ENTIRE LIFE. Usagi IS love, Usagi is pure emotion. Why do I feel a certain way? I don’t know, I JUST DO. And that’s what this dude needs. He’s crawled so far into his own head that he’s forgotten how to listen to his heart. The WHY doesn’t matter, all that matters is the effect. I really seriously love that this is how Usagi’s going to turn it around for him. Not by some flash of insight, not even fool’s wisdom, which is what I was sure it was going to do for a second there. Nope, she’s just going to do it on the purity of her own feelings. “I don’t know why, I just do.” That’s so brilliantly simply Usagi.