Tuesday, January 28, 2014

keyofnik: I know I’ve posted them before, but I’m still feeling pretty bitter over The Tragedy Of The Cel Jet Wolf Lost, so I went to stare mopily at my cels hanging in the hall. (USAGI HUGGING MAKO CEL, YOU WOULD’VE LOOKED SO CUTE AMONG THEM.) And then I decided to cheer myself up by sharing my collection, because showing off your shit is pretty much the second best reason for owning shit at all. The first three rows are framed and hanging, the rest are in my portfolio either waiting to be framed and hung or to simply stay as part of my portfolio collection where they will, hopefully, be joined by so many cels that more portfolios are needed.

keyofnik: I know I’ve posted them before, but I’m still feeling pretty bitter over The Tragedy Of The Cel Jet Wolf Lost, so I went to stare mopily at my cels hanging in the hall. (USAGI HUGGING MAKO CEL, YOU WOULD’VE LOOKED SO CUTE AMONG THEM.) And then I decided to cheer myself up by sharing my collection, because showing off your shit is pretty much the second best reason for owning shit at all. The first three rows are framed and hanging, the rest are in my portfolio either waiting to be framed and hung or to simply stay as part of my portfolio collection where they will, hopefully, be joined by so many cels that more portfolios are needed.