Sunday, January 26, 2014

-lazarus: Tech Porn: Monitor #the thing I love most about the arc reactor isn’t just how impressive it is as a piece of tech #but how VISIBLE it is #like he could have just covered in something to make it look like regular skin #or even just solid metal #but it’s not #it glows so brightly that it shines through his shirt #because Tony didn’t choose to need it but he can damn well choose how he wears it #and so it’s bright and eye-catching and in-your-face - everything Tony is #he doesn’t tiptoe - he struts

-lazarus: Tech Porn: Monitor #the thing I love most about the arc reactor isn’t just how impressive it is as a piece of tech #but how VISIBLE it is #like he could have just covered in something to make it look like regular skin #or even just solid metal #but it’s not #it glows so brightly that it shines through his shirt #because Tony didn’t choose to need it but he can damn well choose how he wears it #and so it’s bright and eye-catching and in-your-face - everything Tony is #he doesn’t tiptoe - he struts