thehubby: Christmas was a success! I got several cool things, including the hoodie some of you may have spotted from Nikki’s feed earlier. I also got a number of 360 games (which includes not only several older FPSes I hadn’t gotten to yet, but Dynasty Warriors 8, aw yissss) and even some Japanese candy with thrilling packaging that features tiny anthropormized grapes that are thrilled to be devoured by me. But the picture above bears special mention. It is an Amy Mebberson original art piece of Nene from Bubblegum Crisis, and it is so damned adorable. Like, seriously, I pretty much squealed when I opened this up. It’s extra appropriate since “Nene” is the name of the new computer that Nikki assembled a few weeks ago. It is now a goal in my life to get the other three Knight Sabers done up in a similar fashion. Like, a Sims 3 happiness points level of thing. If you’re a fan of anime and never considered getting art of some of your favorite anime characters from Amy, you should think again.