Friday, February 07, 2014

keyofnik: First, Usagi’s petulant whimpering throughout this is pretty adorable. Second, this scene is constructed so poorly. I get what Luna’s saying, that this isn’t what Usagi should be devoting her attention on, but it’s near entirely Luna saying “Quit! Give up!” What has Usagi shown ANY kind of determination for so far? This could be such a positive thing if Luna could just redirect it, but instead she chooses — as usual — to shame Usagi for how she feels. You’re wrong to be doing this, you’re wrong for wanting this, give up. I get so torn with Luna in these early episodes, because it seems to me that the story itself half the time doesn’t know what it wants her to be. I’d be willing to go with “well-meaning but too direct and kind of shit at this job” idea that is what we actually see half the time, except she’s framed far too often as being right. We’re supposed to see Luna as an authority figure who is correct about her criticisms of Usagi. Usagi pursuing her dreams in the defiant face of destiny is actually an idea I’d love to see explored. The idea of friends competing with and against each other in a talent search, great idea. But the talent search idea is weakened by Naru and Usagi’s friendship being built out of tissue paper and tearing the instant there’s any pressure. The idea of defying destiny to make your own path is thwarted instantly by Usagi running from Luna to come face-to-face with Mamoru. She runs again to a dead-end alley and he comes and blocks her only path. I mean you can’t get much more “NOPE, NO ESCAPE” than this. It puts a whole feeling of futility and sadness to this situation, which I could totally be into if I thought the episode meant it, but I don’t. I think it’s just kind of meandering aimlessly and Things Happen Because Plot. Usagi and Naru get this idea in their heads so there’s an excuse for them to be at the final confrontation. They break up so that Usagi won’t actually be there with Naru. Luna quits and Mamoru shames (yay more of that) Usagi into not going so she won’t actually be caught in the trap. I hadn’t realized until I sat down to liveblog this episode just how poor it really is. It’s downright boring in spots and has this weird almost-message in others. This is my last Usagi solo episode to liveblog, and I definitely can’t say I’ll be disappointed to be out of this patch.

keyofnik: First, Usagi’s petulant whimpering throughout this is pretty adorable. Second, this scene is constructed so poorly. I get what Luna’s saying, that this isn’t what Usagi should be devoting her attention on, but it’s near entirely Luna saying “Quit! Give up!” What has Usagi shown ANY kind of determination for so far? This could be such a positive thing if Luna could just redirect it, but instead she chooses — as usual — to shame Usagi for how she feels. You’re wrong to be doing this, you’re wrong for wanting this, give up. I get so torn with Luna in these early episodes, because it seems to me that the story itself half the time doesn’t know what it wants her to be. I’d be willing to go with “well-meaning but too direct and kind of shit at this job” idea that is what we actually see half the time, except she’s framed far too often as being right. We’re supposed to see Luna as an authority figure who is correct about her criticisms of Usagi. Usagi pursuing her dreams in the defiant face of destiny is actually an idea I’d love to see explored. The idea of friends competing with and against each other in a talent search, great idea. But the talent search idea is weakened by Naru and Usagi’s friendship being built out of tissue paper and tearing the instant there’s any pressure. The idea of defying destiny to make your own path is thwarted instantly by Usagi running from Luna to come face-to-face with Mamoru. She runs again to a dead-end alley and he comes and blocks her only path. I mean you can’t get much more “NOPE, NO ESCAPE” than this. It puts a whole feeling of futility and sadness to this situation, which I could totally be into if I thought the episode meant it, but I don’t. I think it’s just kind of meandering aimlessly and Things Happen Because Plot. Usagi and Naru get this idea in their heads so there’s an excuse for them to be at the final confrontation. They break up so that Usagi won’t actually be there with Naru. Luna quits and Mamoru shames (yay more of that) Usagi into not going so she won’t actually be caught in the trap. I hadn’t realized until I sat down to liveblog this episode just how poor it really is. It’s downright boring in spots and has this weird almost-message in others. This is my last Usagi solo episode to liveblog, and I definitely can’t say I’ll be disappointed to be out of this patch.