Wednesday, February 05, 2014

keyofnik: Light the Flame! Mars Appears A Story Told With Pictures About Toys In Too Many Parts Everything was so much better with Ami around, there was no doubt about it in Usagi’s mind. She had someone to hang out and talk to. She had someone to help her be brave in battles. She had someone to share her hopes and fears. She had someone to patch up her wounds, those you couldn’t see as much as those you could. Usagi loved Ami, and was grateful every day that Ami was here. But something was missing. Ami felt it too. They weren’t whole. They couldn’t ever be whole until Rei came back to them. Somehow one day — perhaps instinct, or souls bound together longer than imagining — Usagi felt that familiar spark jump to life deep inside, and she knew. Rei was coming. Knowing only made the waiting harder, but wait they did. Not that they were idle! Together they helped save Christmas! They survived a terrifying nightmare! Usagi was brave and so patient, but still Rei didn’t come. Christmas came and went, and still no Rei. Usagi was positive that Rei was going to come back to her by 17 January because that was what the goddamn shipping notice said. But that day passed, and still no Rei. Usagi began to despair that she’d never see Rei again. Ami did her best to keep Usagi’s hopes up, but worry was eating her away too. Could it be that would have to spend the rest of their lives like this? Incomplete, and far too cold? Then a miracle! A box arrived and they knew, they could FEEL the day had finally come! "Rei-chan! Look, Ami-chan, it’s Rei-chan! I know it!" Ami was so happy she began waving with both hands, despite the fact that they couldn’t possible be seen. Finally, after so long waiting, Rei had found her way back to them.

keyofnik: Light the Flame! Mars Appears A Story Told With Pictures About Toys In Too Many Parts Everything was so much better with Ami around, there was no doubt about it in Usagi’s mind. She had someone to hang out and talk to. She had someone to help her be brave in battles. She had someone to share her hopes and fears. She had someone to patch up her wounds, those you couldn’t see as much as those you could. Usagi loved Ami, and was grateful every day that Ami was here. But something was missing. Ami felt it too. They weren’t whole. They couldn’t ever be whole until Rei came back to them. Somehow one day — perhaps instinct, or souls bound together longer than imagining — Usagi felt that familiar spark jump to life deep inside, and she knew. Rei was coming. Knowing only made the waiting harder, but wait they did. Not that they were idle! Together they helped save Christmas! They survived a terrifying nightmare! Usagi was brave and so patient, but still Rei didn’t come. Christmas came and went, and still no Rei. Usagi was positive that Rei was going to come back to her by 17 January because that was what the goddamn shipping notice said. But that day passed, and still no Rei. Usagi began to despair that she’d never see Rei again. Ami did her best to keep Usagi’s hopes up, but worry was eating her away too. Could it be that would have to spend the rest of their lives like this? Incomplete, and far too cold? Then a miracle! A box arrived and they knew, they could FEEL the day had finally come! "Rei-chan! Look, Ami-chan, it’s Rei-chan! I know it!" Ami was so happy she began waving with both hands, despite the fact that they couldn’t possible be seen. Finally, after so long waiting, Rei had found her way back to them.