Wednesday, February 05, 2014

keyofnik: Light the Flame! Mars Appears A Story Told With Pictures About Toys In Too Many Parts "I was scared! And lonely! And I had to free Ami all by myself and I’ve been SUPER PATIENT while you’ve made me WAIT! But you’re supposed to BE here! What am I supposed to do when you’re not here?!” It didn’t occur to Usagi that it was odd when Rei began to blink and then scowl. It was Rei, of course she was going to scowl. Usagi couldn’t exactly hear what Rei was yelling (it was all too muffled), but the fact remained that she was YELLING, and Usagi felt that was terribly unfair given that she was the aggrieved party here. So she yelled more.

keyofnik: Light the Flame! Mars Appears A Story Told With Pictures About Toys In Too Many Parts "I was scared! And lonely! And I had to free Ami all by myself and I’ve been SUPER PATIENT while you’ve made me WAIT! But you’re supposed to BE here! What am I supposed to do when you’re not here?!” It didn’t occur to Usagi that it was odd when Rei began to blink and then scowl. It was Rei, of course she was going to scowl. Usagi couldn’t exactly hear what Rei was yelling (it was all too muffled), but the fact remained that she was YELLING, and Usagi felt that was terribly unfair given that she was the aggrieved party here. So she yelled more.