Thursday, February 06, 2014

trigger-happy-heart: You know what’s fun? Having sinus infection and being high on strong meds while fucking around on my laptop. Also all the fun you can have while making up a different story for the same pictures. I regret nothing… I’m Not Asking for a Storm Thorki AU in which Laufey demands Loki back, causing Thor and Odin to have a big fight over it. And of course they yell at each other totally ignoring Loki who’s just stands there stunned. Having enough of the pissing contest Loki leaves and later Heimdall informs Thor that Loki left. Thor goes out of his right mind hearing that and rushes after him. He gives Laufey his big middle finger saying that Loki belongs to Asgard and him and he’d slay every frostgiant who dares to think otherwise. They get into a big fight when Odin shows up to negotiate. Laufey being a dick offers a deal, Loki can stay if he marries Thor, thinking that this would outrage Odin and Thor. But Thor is just like, hell yes, grabs Loki’s hand and heads home. Loki of course shouts at him the whole way, stuff like ‘You sentimental fool!’ ‘You almost started a war over me!’ And Thor just gives him a big bright smile and shrugs, ‘For you, anything.’ And Loki kicks him hard but lets him hold his hand. Back in Asgard they have a big extravagant wedding and shortly after they start making babies ‘lokis-gspot’-style. I really think that I should write Thor 3 also time for more meds and sleep for a century. Carry on.

trigger-happy-heart: You know what’s fun? Having sinus infection and being high on strong meds while fucking around on my laptop. Also all the fun you can have while making up a different story for the same pictures. I regret nothing… I’m Not Asking for a Storm Thorki AU in which Laufey demands Loki back, causing Thor and Odin to have a big fight over it. And of course they yell at each other totally ignoring Loki who’s just stands there stunned. Having enough of the pissing contest Loki leaves and later Heimdall informs Thor that Loki left. Thor goes out of his right mind hearing that and rushes after him. He gives Laufey his big middle finger saying that Loki belongs to Asgard and him and he’d slay every frostgiant who dares to think otherwise. They get into a big fight when Odin shows up to negotiate. Laufey being a dick offers a deal, Loki can stay if he marries Thor, thinking that this would outrage Odin and Thor. But Thor is just like, hell yes, grabs Loki’s hand and heads home. Loki of course shouts at him the whole way, stuff like ‘You sentimental fool!’ ‘You almost started a war over me!’ And Thor just gives him a big bright smile and shrugs, ‘For you, anything.’ And Loki kicks him hard but lets him hold his hand. Back in Asgard they have a big extravagant wedding and shortly after they start making babies ‘lokis-gspot’-style. I really think that I should write Thor 3 also time for more meds and sleep for a century. Carry on.