Tuesday, March 04, 2014

keyofnik: This has been the second or third time since Stars started where Minako’s basically just issued a command like this and everyone listens immediately AND I LOVE IT. Especially when about two minute ago we had this: You don’t have one side of Minako without the other side of Minako. THEY ARE BOTH FULLY MINAKO. If someone tries to claim that she’s only the comic relief, or is flighty and vapid and nothing but an inferior clone of Usagi, THEY ARE OBJECTIVELY WRONG. Look no further than those two caps at the top. Usagi asks everyone to help her. Minako gives the orders for what they need to do. The president and her general. And it’s all Minako.

keyofnik: This has been the second or third time since Stars started where Minako’s basically just issued a command like this and everyone listens immediately AND I LOVE IT. Especially when about two minute ago we had this: You don’t have one side of Minako without the other side of Minako. THEY ARE BOTH FULLY MINAKO. If someone tries to claim that she’s only the comic relief, or is flighty and vapid and nothing but an inferior clone of Usagi, THEY ARE OBJECTIVELY WRONG. Look no further than those two caps at the top. Usagi asks everyone to help her. Minako gives the orders for what they need to do. The president and her general. And it’s all Minako.