Friday, March 14, 2014

keyofnik: trevdawggg submitted: I’M SORRY FOR THE HORRIBLE QUESTION PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I ASSURE YOU THAT TINY KITTEN IS JUST FINE. Am I forgiven? Tiny Kitten has caught the arrow and she is playing with it cutely! WE CAN AGREE THIS IS AN ACCEPTABLE TINY KITTEN AND ARROW ARRANGEMENT EVEN NEHELLENIA IS CHARMED BY TINY KITTEN Although at first I thought Michiru had her arm around Nehellenia and was eating a sandwich.

keyofnik: trevdawggg submitted: I’M SORRY FOR THE HORRIBLE QUESTION PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I ASSURE YOU THAT TINY KITTEN IS JUST FINE. Am I forgiven? Tiny Kitten has caught the arrow and she is playing with it cutely! WE CAN AGREE THIS IS AN ACCEPTABLE TINY KITTEN AND ARROW ARRANGEMENT EVEN NEHELLENIA IS CHARMED BY TINY KITTEN Although at first I thought Michiru had her arm around Nehellenia and was eating a sandwich.