Tuesday, November 05, 2013

diseasedwits: keyofnik: I AM SO ANGRY HOW DARE YOU GIVE ME THESE ADORABLE BABY SENSHI PICTURES AND SULLY THEM WITH PEGASUS INVADING THE SHIT OUT OF THEIR DREAMS HOW MUCH OF A CREEPY GODDAMN VOYEUR ARE YOU Either this thing invades every little girl’s dream, and given how right now I’m suddenly viscerally reminded of him goddamn BLUSHING when a child is changing into her nightgown I am just completely unsettled Or he picked their dreams specifically because they were Senshi and thus special and thus HE SHOULD’VE BEEN ABLE TO TRY TRUSTING THEM THIRTY-FIVE FUCKING EPISODES AGO I didn’t think this could make me any angrier SURPRISE NOOO. GTFAWAY FROM MY GIRLS PEGASUS. Look at their tiny adorable faces. Tiny adorable faces that should be NOWHERE NEAR THAT DAMNED HORSE. WTF SUPERS WHY DO YOU RUIN EVERYTHING? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

diseasedwits: keyofnik: I AM SO ANGRY HOW DARE YOU GIVE ME THESE ADORABLE BABY SENSHI PICTURES AND SULLY THEM WITH PEGASUS INVADING THE SHIT OUT OF THEIR DREAMS HOW MUCH OF A CREEPY GODDAMN VOYEUR ARE YOU Either this thing invades every little girl’s dream, and given how right now I’m suddenly viscerally reminded of him goddamn BLUSHING when a child is changing into her nightgown I am just completely unsettled Or he picked their dreams specifically because they were Senshi and thus special and thus HE SHOULD’VE BEEN ABLE TO TRY TRUSTING THEM THIRTY-FIVE FUCKING EPISODES AGO I didn’t think this could make me any angrier SURPRISE NOOO. GTFAWAY FROM MY GIRLS PEGASUS. Look at their tiny adorable faces. Tiny adorable faces that should be NOWHERE NEAR THAT DAMNED HORSE. WTF SUPERS WHY DO YOU RUIN EVERYTHING? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)