Tuesday, November 05, 2013

magicalgirlfanproblems: That the magical girl fandom on tumblr seems to now revolve completely around confession blogs. A couple of years age people used to engage in lively and positive discussions, and now it feels like everyone is just waiting for the next confession to be posted, and have the same argument over and over again. I honestly blame all of the different confession blogs for how toxic the tumblr fandom has become, it’s become worse than the old livejournal. community.

magicalgirlfanproblems: That the magical girl fandom on tumblr seems to now revolve completely around confession blogs. A couple of years age people used to engage in lively and positive discussions, and now it feels like everyone is just waiting for the next confession to be posted, and have the same argument over and over again. I honestly blame all of the different confession blogs for how toxic the tumblr fandom has become, it’s become worse than the old livejournal. community.