keyofnik: Here we go, now into the real stuff I wanted to go back and make these SuperS movie gifs for. Look at that shit. Are you looking at that shit? I LOVE when they do callbacks to their previous attacks, but especially Usagi and Moon Tiara Action. Usagi’s so often a one-trick pony when it comes to attacks, which makes sense to a degree because they’re so tied into her Seasonal Magical Doohickey. But her tiara is ever-present, and there’s no good reason why she doesn’t use it more often. So how awesome when she DOES. And it looks like it’s grown, as well. Rather than just a disc of power, now it’s like a crescent moon itself, curved and shimmering and dangerous as hell. That’s actually not a bad description for Usagi herself, now I say it. I fucking CHEERED when she did this. Half a season of her unable to do jack without Pegasus’ say so, and here she is whipping off her tiara immediately and being the badass lady she’s supposed to be.