keyofnik: That I love Rei’s phraseless attack best of them all is no surprise. No but really, Rei, holy crap. There is no part of this sequence that is not fierce as fuck. I am seriously in love with how much fucking POWER there is in this, how much badassery there is, and all the subtle ways at work to make you feel it. To begin, unlike with Ami, there is NOTHING serene about Rei. From her very first frame she’s gritting her teeth, glaring at you, and her element is already present. We’ve been with Sailor Mars for one frame and she is already through with our shit. Then there’s the sense of motion in this sequence. With Usagi, it’s all about her. We begin with her fingertips, follow them to her tiara, linger there as she grabs it, then move back as she throws her attack at an angle so that the tiara moves to the left and below us. Ami’s attack is mostly about her preparation. More than half of the gif is her gathering her power, and we approach almost like we’re curious or coming to help her. When she does attack, like Usagi, her power is thrown at an angle, this time to our right, which is also where she’s glaring. None of this is true for Rei. From the first frame, she is pissed at US. She’s pissed, and she’s already attacking. With the others we want to see what they’re doing. With Rei, the camera backs up. We’re RUNNING from Rei, we’re trying to escape her. And we fail, utterly. Rei is faster, stronger, and better. Her fire chases us, catches us, and utterly consumes us. Rei herself is lost in the attack. There is the fire and only the fire. And finally is the fact that this sense of fear and power comes from ONE FINGERTIP. Usagi has a very dangerous looking weapon, but it’s an object, presumably of which she only has one, and it’s contained. Ami uses her whole body in her attack. She reaches up, she pulls to her center, she pivots and takes a step, her arms go wide, and the water seems to come from her entire body. With Rei, she’s got so much power pouring out of her that she will literally destroy you with one finger.